Below is a selection of papers & research reports written

by Data Vortex team members, users, and partners.

“The Data Vortex Network: An overview of the architecture, implementations, and performance” (v.9.2018) by Santiago Betelu, PhD & Coke S. Reed, PhD (Data Vortex Technologies) Links to Different Webpage

“The Data Vortex: From Interbellum Polish Mathematics to a Novel Topology for Connecting Cores” (Supercomputing Frontiers – 2020) by Coke S Reed, PhD, Reed Devany, Santiago Betelu, PhD, & Michael Ives

“Vortex-topology Messaging: Data Vortex for high performance middleware” (Supercomputing Frontiers – 2018) by S. Ryan Quick & Arno Kolster (Providentia Worldwide)

“Simulating Quantum Computers with Data Vortex” (HPCwire – 2018) by Santiago Betelu, PhD (Data Vortex Technologies)

“Exploring Data Vortex Systems for Irregular Applications” (IPDPS – 2017) by Roberto Gioiosa, et. al (Pacific Northwest National Laboratories)

“HPCC Random Access Benchmark Excels on Data Vortex” (2015) by Data Vortex Software Team

“Few-Body Physics with Many Processors” (2015) by Matthias Zimmerman, et. al (Ulm University)

“Data Vortex 200 Series Programming Course” (v.09.2018) by Jay Rockstroh (Data Vortex Technologies) Links to Different Webpage